More On Light Language

In my last post I introduced the subject of light language by sharing a journal page I had spontaneously filled with seemingly foreign symbols and shapes.  In that post I promised to share more about the nature and benefits of using light language.  This post is the "more" that I promised on that subject.  However, I'm only sharing my experiences and the understanding that has come to me through use, exploration and meditation on the subject.  There is more available if you want to research the experiences of others.

Apart from being written, light language can be spoken or sung, moved (as in dancing or signing) and incorporated into art or designs....think crop circles/ice circles, sacred geometry, etc.    While some have the 'gift' of interpretation, for the most part light language, as we know it in our current state of consciousness, is an experience that transcends the rational mind. It is a soulful utterance/movement that allows for emotional expression/release without the interference of thought.  Imagine the expression of deeply felt emotions free from rumination and you have one of the beautiful benefits of light language.  It is a fantastic way to give voice/expression to emotions so deep they transcend thought.  It is wonderful for expressing sorrow as well as jubilation that there simply aren't words for.

The next benefit of light language is the expansion of consciousness it fosters.  When we separate light language from the religious dogma that surrounds it, this "speaking in tongues", opens us to boundless information free from the limitations of doctrine. Freed from such conditioning, it is as if through the ongoing use of light language, a portal for conscious connection to the non-physical aspects of our multi-dimensional self opens.  In this I experience guidance in the form of profound insight.  Because for decades my work has centered on using creative energy for the expansion of consciousness/spiritual growth, my intention has been long set.  Energy follows intention, therefore my use of light language in any form, moves directly into the spiritual questions I carry or the spiritual understanding I seek.  This however is true for me with regard to many forms of creative expression.  My directed creativity has long been a portal for 'downloads' of vast awareness/information and I feel my use of light language has only added to this.

Others teach that light language opens codes in us that unlock a type of remembrance of our limitless nature and allow us to approach the multi-dimensional nature of our being.    This makes sense to me on an intuitive level.  I know that my fascination with crop circles and other forms of sacred geometry is because it calls to me and connects me on a soulful level. I believe this is true of light language as well.

I find myself unconsciously singing or speaking it under my breath throughout the day.  At first this surprised me each time I caught it happening.  Now it is as natural as realizing I was unconsciously humming would be.  Light language is a song my soul is familiar with and that is reason enough for me to enjoy it. There are distinct feeling signatures to these 'languages'.  They do not all sound alike and I have personally experienced several 'dialects'.  Intuitively I glean this as a type of connecting to 'ancestral aspects' of my multi-dimensional being.  We live in the eternal NOW but from our third dimensional perspective everything is separated out...past/present/future.  Because light language and enlightened consciousness transcends such separation, I believe my various aspects of self come through to express themselves from time to time, each speaking a different dialect.

I have experienced spontaneous interpretations following spoken light language 'transmissions'. This has most always been connected to meditation periods or times when I have set the intention to connect in stillness.  One thing I know for certain is that we can all open to light language and each will benefit in their own way.  The quickest way to achieve this is through exposing yourself to it and asking your higher self to facilitate.  Intention is everything!  While I was initiated into speaking it about thirty years ago, only recently have I been writing it.  I learned of written light language, desired it, intended it, and within a few weeks it presented itself.  Now writing it is as natural to me as speaking it.  

I would encourage anyone who has an interest in this to explore and research this subject themselves.   Youtube is full of light language videos.  Yvonne Perry has written a book entitled Light Language Emerging which recounts her experiences around this subject.  But as with anything spiritual, I would caution you to respect your own experience.  Do not latch on to my definitions or anyone else's.  Open to it, move your ego mind aside, let go of judgement and simply allow the experience.  If this doesn't work you are simply 'in the way' of yourself.  For this reason, many prefer an initiation into the experience.  Connect with me or someone in your area that offers this service and do a consultation or attend a workshop.  In doing so you will step into aspects of yourself you can not even imagine.

Light Language

From my notebook....written 'light language'

I first experienced something called 'light language' almost thirty years ago but it didn't have such a cool, new mellineium name back then.  It was referred to as "speaking in tongues" and it happened to me quite spontaneously one afternoon.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, my daughter also experienced this while away at a youth camp organized by the church we were attending at that time.  Like so many things I left behind as I 'out-grew' formal religion, (Pentecostal was my last attempt at seeking Truth through organizations) I abandoned this form of communication as well.  An unexpected reemergence of this 'ability' presented itself once again this week along with the spontaneous ability to write this so called 'light language'.  While on the one hand it fascinated me and I see all sorts of ideas for incorporating it in my artwork, on the other hand I know it is a natural progression of a long spiritual awakening I have been integrating for decades.

A couple of weeks ago my journaling became an automatic writing session in which "The Andromedians of Most High" introduced themselves.  The "Arcturians" later did the same in both written and spoken channelings.  Last year the Ananda collective first came through.  So, here I am, shifting once again into new paradigms of understanding and so grateful for the downloads of understanding that accompany many of these 'transmissions'.  My world is filling in with people who have knowledge of these experiences and it is a testament to the shifting and expansion that unfolds as we step into the creative journey our awakening soul seeks.

I am writing this post because I am being guided to teach these types of communications and am eager to step into assisting anyone interested in touching upon these abilities.  Automatic writing is a powerful portal for communication, and light language is an ancestral part of each of us.  They are a vehicle for transcending the third dimensional timeline and raising one's vibrational frequency to the fifth dimensional New Earth.  Practicing light language activates DNA codes which provide an expansion of your life expression on many levels.  The language can be spoken or sung while you practice your craft or create artwork.  The written light language can be added subtly or featured prominently in the work itself.  I will be adding workshop information to my website for those interested in checking this out for themselves, along with new work incorporating these symbols.  I will also be writing a new post soon that explains the benefits of light language in more detail.

For those reading this that are quite convinced I've gone over the edge, not to worry.... I am suitably grounded for the work I am coming into and have never felt more purposeful in my life.  Connecting to non-physical assistance is nothing new for me as I have been in 'communication' for years.  This is just an expansion of the clair-cognizance I have drawn on for decades and I am excited to share what unfolds.